Around the Archdiocese
Sharing information, insights, and stories about our Catholic faith from across the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
Around the Archdiocese
Courage and EnCourage - Ministry to Persons Who Experience Same-Sex Attraction
Several months ago, the Archdiocese welcomed the Courage and EnCourage apostolates to our list of ministries. The Courage apostolate is the Church’s invitation to people who experience same-sex attractions, who desire to live in accord with the Gospel call to chastity. A confidential support group led by a priest chaplain, Courage accompanies men and women along the road to integration, freedom, and discipleship. United by friendship with Christ and one another, Courage members strive for chastity and holiness, meeting regularly for prayer and mutual support.
The EnCourage ministry welcomes parents, spouses, and other loved ones of people who experience same-sex attractions to meet regularly to support one another towards the goal of staying true to the teachings of the Church while maintaining strong, healthy family bonds.
My guest today is Fr. Luke Millette, who has been involved with bringing the Courage and Encourage apostolates to the Archdiocese. We have a frank and open discussion about what it means to minister to persons who experience same-sex attraction, what the Church’s teachings are on the subject, and we even talk about the document Fiducia Supplicans which came out a couple of months ago, on the pastoral meaning of blessings.
Courage International
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